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Weilgama, Sri Lanka

If you ever heard of Sri Lanka you know they have some of the best scuba diving! Coming to Sri Lanka I was super ecstatic to take a plunge in new waters other than the Caribbean Sea of which I'm used to. Unfortunately, the time and location I stayed in wasn’t ready for my desperation of plunging in these waters of Sri Lanka. I stayed on the southwest coast in Weligama in August to September. Down on the southwest coast is monsoon season and not safe for scuba diving. If you go to Nilaveli or Trincomalee in the northeast coast the diving is safe and apparently some of the best diving on the coast. Weligama to the northeast coast is a bit of a drive. It takes about 6 or so hours by car to get there. I lacked the motivation to sit in a car for 6 hours roundtrip and was very disappointed I wouldn’t be diving in Sri Lanka. If you're ever planning to take a plunge in Sri Lanka make sure you pick the right location and season. I researched scuba diving in Sri Lanka and not one article told me about different coastlines and their seasons!

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