I hate to break It to some of yah but COVID is going to be your travel experience for a long, long, long time. Even if the numbers decline precautions are more likely going to stay in place for a while. So you can either chose to travel or never travel again. It’s NEVER going back to your usual “normal”!
At this point you can catch COVID anywhere and it’s up to you to travel or not. The only difference in traveling now is that you should try to protect yourself from catching the virus during a flight. From my personal experience I found that there has actually been more people in the grocery store than an airport. Besides, protecting yourself while flying, practice social distancing when you arrive just as while you we’re home.
Most major airlines are disinfecting planes between flights, giving extra attention to high-touch surfaces and bathrooms. Each airline has its cleansing procedures during COVID on their website on how they cleanse the plane.
Every state and country has its regulations when visiting one's country. To be sure to check what the requirements are to enter and leave state/country borders before traveling. You can find requirements on the Travel State Government website.
During this time most borders are closed due to how the United States handled the outbreak of COVID! If you have to fly to another country you can get around this by flying to a country that’s boards are still open to the US such as Mexico and flying to where to NEED to go from Mexico.
Many airplanes also use HEPA filters, which completely refresh the cabin air throughout the flight and work to filter out over 99 percent of airborne viruses, bacteria, and other contagions. Additionally, airlines like United, JetBlue, Hawaiian, Delta, and Southwest have implemented the use of electrostatic antimicrobial sprays to thoroughly disinfect every nook and cranny of the cabin. There wasn’t even a smudge on my window seat which flying before COVID there always was one.
All airports require the use of a face mask in the airport and for the entire flight. Kids under 2 are not required but recommended.
Restaurants and newsstands in the airport are ALL closed till further notice. You may find one or two cafes open in the airport so make sure you eat before or bring snacks.
Most domestic airlines are not serving alcohol during the flight. To limit contact with flight attendance snacks/water are passed in a plastic ziplock bag. If the flight attendant is called from your seat the flight attendants won’t come back around until their ready to collect trash.
Most major airlines are blocking out seats for a flight. Call your airline in advance to see if the airline your flying with is practicing this method. Most budget airlines are not. Here are a few airline that are not blocking seats at this time... Spirit Airlines, Frontier Airlines, and America Airlines.
Many airlines are also offering disinfectant wipes or hand sanitizer to passengers. Bring your own as well just to be safe and make you feel comfortable.
TSA is now allowing you to bring hand sanitizer up to 12oz in your carryon.
"The sun always shines after a storm."