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Exotic destinations you can travel to without a U.S passport

The Caribbean

  • Puerto Rico - U.S. territory is known for a landscape of mountains, waterfalls and the El Yunque tropical rainforest.

  • U.S. Virgin Islands- U.S territory known for white-sand beaches, reefs and verdant hills.

The Pacific Ocean.

  • Guam- U.S. island territory in Micronesia. Guam is known for tropical beaches, Chamorro villages and ancient latte-stone pillars.

  • Hawaii - A U.S state with landscapes of cliffs, waterfalls, tropical foliage, and beaches with gold, red, black and even green sands.

  • American Samoa- A U.S territory is known for volcanic peaks tropical beaches.

  • Northern Mariana Islands- A U.S. commonwealth that is known for its sandy shores and mountainous landscapes.

Florida- A U.S state with the Atlantic on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other. It has hundreds of miles of beaches.

California-A U.S. state that stretches from the Mexican border along the Pacific. California is known for its cliff-lined beaches, redwood forest, the Sierra Nevada Mountains, Central Valley farmland and the Mojave Desert.


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