Before I share my few traveling tips as a single mother I want to induce my family and myself...
My name is Tammie and I am Active duty in the Army, full time student, full time mother, and part time wanderlust! As a single mother to a 13 year old boy and 10 year old daughter, I know exactly how challenging life can be. In 2013, I took my first international trip to the Dominican Republic. Since then I have visited numerous countries. Upon returning from my adventures, I would share my experiences with my children. A few years ago both of my children asked me to take them out of the United States. By planning, budgeting, and practicing safe guards, my children and I were able to go to Cancun, Mexico! In Mexico, we were able to have first time experiences together as a family, such as sailing on a Catamaran in crystal clear water, roaming the outside markets of Isla Mujeres, and tasting our first freshly cut coconut from the local street market. After sharing these amazing experience TOGETHER, the children cannot wait to visit another country and I am blessed to be able to create these memories with them.
While researching for our trip months in advance, I noticed that not many travelers spoke about traveling with children as a single parent. I want to give tips/suggestions to those who are on a budget (because I surely am), balancing a career, and maintaining a steady household as a single parent. {YOU ROCK} Check out the tips below as to how you too can travel with your children!!
1) Planning ahead is a must! For us single parents who have jobs and school aged children we must schedule vacations when it is most convenient. i.e. Spring Break, Christmas Break, or Summer vacation. Also, planning ahead gives you(the parent), plenty of time to put in a request for leave at work.
2) Pick a destination within your budget! This is very important as a single parent because many unpredictable situations that require a lot of money can occur suddenly. Compare prices of hotels and Airbnb. Be sure to factor in transportation costs. If you are not booking an all inclusive trip, do not forget to budget things such as food, toiletries, and tickets to tourist attractions. Everything adds up quick!
3) Don't fall into social media peer pressure! There were times I would see beautiful pictures of a family in the Maldives. I would look up prices and then instantly become sad because it was not within my budget. Remember the ultimate goal; to create beautiful memories as a family. Wonderful experiences can happen anywhere. Before I was able to afford traveling with my children internationally, we visited many states. They were able to walk the streets of Chicago, visit the pristine beaches in Florida, and visit the Mall of America. This also helps a child adjust to being on the go, so I would suggest traveling domestic first. Then hop on a plane to go out of the country!
4) Let your child(ren) speak! This is sooooo pivotal. One day I pulled out a map of the world and told my children to make their travel list. This list would be all of the places they would want to visit in their lifetime. By doing this, your child is able to research different parts of the world on their own. They will find reasons as to why they want to visit Italy, Canada, or California. Most importantly, they feel included in the planning process.
5) Whether you travel domestic or international with your child(ren) be sure to teach them safe practices!
Search to see if there has been any crime aimed at tourists in the area you are planning to visit. When we visited Mexico, a travel warning had been issued about 2 months prior. As a parent traveling alone with two children, this was pertinent information. I was able to assess the situation and make adjustments accordingly. Review customs and courtesies of the country you are visiting specifically when traveling abroad. Last but not least, always, always leave a copy of your itinerary with a frie​nd or family member in case of emergency.

Traveling with my children is a indescribable feeling. To witness them embrace different cultures, taste delectable menu items, and smile at people of a different ethnicity is an enlightening feeling.
I hope these few details will help another single parent knock a destination off of their travel list for 2018!
Instagram: bradthegirl